导航痕迹 云顶4008集团手机登录 4188云顶集团 公司首页 团队队伍 副教授 资源与地理信息技术研究所 正文 团队概况 教授 副教授 讲师及其他 党政管理人员 个人信息简介 姓 名:吴英杰 职 称:副教授 研究方向:土壤微生物生态;污染土壤修复 电子邮箱:yingjiewu@sicau.edu.cn 通信地址:四川省成都市温江区惠民路211号, 云顶4008集团手机登录3教202室。 承担课程:本科生课程《土壤肥料学》助教, 主讲老师:李冰教授; 研究生招生专业: 硕士:090302植物营养学、095132资源利用与植物保护 l 2012年9月—2016年6月,云顶4008集团手机登录,农业资源与环境专业,农学学士; l 2016年9月—2021年6月,浙江大学,植物营养学专业(硕博连读),农学博士; l 2017年9月,加拿大蒙特利尔,短期学术交流; l 2019年11月—2020年11月,丹麦奥胡斯大学,联合培养。 l 2021年7月—11月,云顶4008集团手机登录,4188云顶集团,讲师; l 2021年12月—至今,云顶4008集团手机登录,4188云顶集团,副教授 l 云顶4008集团手机登录人才引进项目(2021-2025),30万,主持。 l 2018年,国家奖学金(硕),教育部; l 2020年,国家奖学金(博),教育部; l 2021年,西部菁英奖学金,浙江大学; l 2015年,金土地奖学金,云顶4008集团手机登录。 在Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, 环境工程学报等国内外主流期刊发表学术论文20篇,其中SCI论文17篇,CSCD论文3篇。 2022年: (1)Yingjie Wu, Susana S. Santos, Mette Vestergård, Ana M. Martín González, Luyao Ma, Ying Feng*, Xiaoe Yang. A field study reveals links between hyperaccumulating Sedum plants-associated bacterial communities and Cd/Zn uptake and translocation. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 805: 150400.(SCI,第一作者IF-2020= 7.963). 2021年: (1)Qiyao Zhou, Qiong Wang, Lukuan Huang, Luyao Ma, Yingjie Wu, Yugen Jiang, Ying Feng*. Genotypic variation in cadmium concentration and nutritional traits of main celery cultivars of China. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16103-7.(5作,SCI,IF-2020= 4.223). (2)Qizhen Liu, Zhiqin Chen, Lukuan Huang, Mehr Ahmed Mujtaba Munir, Yingjie Wu, Qiong Wang, Luyao Ma, Shunan Xu, Zheyu Wen, Ying Feng*. The effects of a combined amendment on growth, cadmium adsorption by five fruit vegetables, and soil fertility in contaminated greenhouse under rotation system. Chemosphere, 2021, 285: 131499.(5作,SCI,IF-2020= 7.086). 2020年: (1)Wu, Y., Ma, L., Liu, Q., Vestergård, M., Topalovic, O., Wang, Q., Zhou, Q., Huang, L., Yang, X., Feng, Y.* The plant-growth promoting bacteria promote cadmium uptake by inducing a hormonal crosstalk and lateral root formation in a hyperaccumulator plant Sedum alfredii. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 395: 122661.(SCI,第一作者IF-2020=10.588). (2)Wu, Y., Ma, L., Liu, Q., Sikder, M., Vestergård, M., Zhou, K., Wang, Q., Yang, X., Feng, Y.* Pseudomonas fluorescens promote photosynthesis, carbon fixation and cadmium phytoremediation of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 726: 138554.(SCI,第一作者IF-2020=7.963). (3)Wu, Y., Ma, L., Liu, Q., Topalovic, O., Wang, Q., Yang, X., Feng, Y.* Pseudomonas fluorescens accelerates a reverse and long-distance transport of cadmium and sucrose in the hyperaccumulator plant Sedum alfredii. Chemosphere, 2020, 256: 127156.(SCI,第一作者IF-2020= 7.086). (4)Wu, Y., Ma, L., Zhang, X., Topalovic, O., Liu, Q., Feng, Y.*, Yang, X. A hyperaccumulator plant Sedum alfredii recruits Cd/Zn-tolerant but not Pb-tolerant endospheric bacterial communities from its rhizospheric soil. Plant and Soil, 2020, 455: 257-270.(SCI,第一作者IF-2020= 4.192). (5)Luyao Ma , Yingjie Wu, Qiong Wang , Ying Feng *. The endophytic bacterium relieved healthy risk of pakchoi intercropped with hyperaccumulator in the cadmium polluted greenhouse vegetable field. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264: 114796.(2作,SCI,IF-2020= 8.071). (6)Luyao Ma, Yaru Liu, Yingjie Wu, Qiong Wang, Zulfiqar Ali Sahito, Qiyao Zhou, Lukuan Huang, Tingqiang Li, Ying Feng*. The effects and health risk assessment of cauliflower co-cropping with Sedum alfredii in cadmium contaminated vegetable field. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268: 115869.(3作,SCI,IF-2020= 8.071). (7)Wang, Q., Ge, C., Xu, S., Wu, Y., Sahito, Z., Ma, L., Pan, F., Zhou, Q., Huang, L., Feng, Y.*, Yang, X. The endophytic bacterium Sphingomonas SaMR12 alleviates Cd stress in oilseed rape through regulation of the GSH-AsA cycle and antioxidative enzymes. BMC Plant Biol., 2020, 20: 63.(4作,SCI,IF-2020= 4.215). (8)Lukuan Huang, Qiong Wang, Qiyao Zhou, Luyao Ma, Yingjie Wu, Qizhen Liu, Sheng Wang, Ying Feng,*. Cadmium uptake from soil and transport by leafy vegetables: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264: 114677.(5作,SCI,IF-2020=8.071). (9)Feng, Y.*, Wang, Q., Meng, Q., Liu, Y., Pan, F., Luo, S., Wu Y., Ma L., Yang, X. Chromosome doubling of Sedum alfredii Hance: A novel approach for improving phytoremediation efficiency. J Environ. Sci., 2020, 86: 87-96.(7作,SCI,IF-2020= 5.565). 2019年: (1)Wang, Q., Ye, J., Wu, Y., Luo, S., Chen, B., Ma, L., Pan, F., Feng, Y.*, Yang, X. Promotion of the root development and Zn uptake of Sedum alfredii was achieved by an endophytic bacterium Sasm05. Ecotox. Environ. Safe., 2019, 172, 97-104. (3作,SCI,IF-2020=6.291). (2)Wang, Q., Ma, L., Zhou, Q., Chen, B., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., Pan, F., Huang, L., Yang, X., Feng, Y.* Inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria from hyperaccumulator facilitated non-host root development and provided promising agents for elevated phytoremediation efficiency. Chemosphere, 2019, 234: 769-776.(6作,SCI,IF-2020= 7.086). 2018年: (1)吴英杰,马璐瑶,陈琛,闫茂仓,张翔,柴雪良,王琼,冯英*. 北美海蓬子生态浮床对养殖海水的净化和对虾的增产效果. 环境工程学报, 2018, 12(12): 3351-3361.(CSCD,第一作者). (2)Feng, Y.*, Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Meng, Q., Wang, Q., Ma, L., Ma, X., Yang, X. Ectopic expression of SaNRAMP3 from Sedum alfredii enhanced cadmium root-to-shoot transport in Brassica juncea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 156: 279-286.(2作,SCI,IF-2020= 6.291). (3)冯英*, 马璐瑶, 王琼, 吴英杰, 黄路宽, 周其耀, 杨肖娥. 我国土壤-蔬菜作物系统重金属污染及其安全生产综合农艺调控技术. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(11): 2359-2370.(4作,CSCD). 2017年: (1)吴英杰,李玉娜,郑幸果,胡玉福,肖海华*. 利用炉渣和菇渣进行辣椒无土栽培的研究. 干旱地区农业研究, 2017, 35(1): 22-25+32.(CSCD,第一作者). (2)Chen, B., Luo, S., Wu, Y., Ye, J., Wang, Q., Xu, X., Pan, F., Khan, K., Feng, Y. *, Yang, X. The effects of the endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Sasm05 and IAA on the plant growth and cadmium uptake of Sedum alfredii Hance. Front. Microbiol., 2017, 8: 2538. (3作,SCI,IF-2020= 5.64). (3)Pan, F., Luo, S., Shen, J., Wang, Q., Ye, J., Meng, Q., Wu, Y., Chen, B., Cao, X., Yang, X., Feng, Y.* The effects of endophytic bacterium SaMR12 on Sedum alfredii Hance metal ion uptake and the expression of three transporter family genes after cadmium exposure. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2017, 24: 9350-9360.(7作,SCI,IF-2020= 4.223). 上一条:兰婷 下一条: 陶琦 【关闭】